Brooklyn College Project - Ingersoll Hall/West Quad
The existing cooling and exhaust system at Brooklyn College Ingersoll Hall was obsolete and underperforming. ICSC was hired as the Mechanical Subcontractor responsible for upgrading all aspects of the buildings HVAC system.
The upgrade included furnishing and installing two air handling units, and one make up air unit in the penthouse as well as furnishing and installing 18 high-performance strobic fans, which included 16 lab exhaust fans and two kitchen exhaust fans. All kitchen exhaust was double-wall fire-rated duct, and all lab exhaust was fully welded stainless steel duct.
On the lower floors, new VAVs and ductwork tied into the existing hot and cold air supply duct, provided automation allowing for improved room control and comfort.
ICSC also installed 12” chilled water piping underground to two new circulating pumps that feed the new air handlers located six floors up, in the penthouse. In addition to the cooling, ICSC cleaned, restored and upgraded all window radiator units to ensure the rooms were in optimal working order.
On another section of the College, the “West Quad,” ICSC installed two new split system air conditioners, ductwork, and VAVs. All equipment and systems installed for this project had to be tied into the existing BMS.
ICSC provided training, testing and balancing and commissioning of the installed systems and equipment.